East coast of Madagascar. It prefers moist primary forests. It occurs up to an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level. Endemic species.
It leads an arboreal, diurnal lifestyle, active mainly during the day, especially in the morning and late afternoon. It lives in herds of 2-16 individuals. The group is usually led by a dominant female.
Fruit constitutes 74-90% of this species’ diet. They also feed on nectar, flowers and leaves.
A polyandrous species. It breeds in autumn or winter. The gestation period lasts 117 days. The female builds a nest at a height of 10-20 meters, which she lines with her hair. 2-3 offspring may be born in one litter. The offspring stays in the nest until it becomes independent. The female is exceptionally caring.
It has two methods of vocal communication: a series of roaring sounds informing about danger or a series of short chuckles informing other groups about their territory. It is critically endangered due to extensive hunting and habitat loss.
- Latin name: Varecia variegata
- IUCN Red List – CR – critically endangered
- CITES – Appendix I

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