
Victoria Crowned Pigeon

Victoria Crowned Pigeon


It lives in dense tropical forests of Indonesia, New Guinea and neighboring islands.


Usually it stays on the ground where it searches for food. It flies in the air reluctantly and as a last resort, for example, in the event of a predator. For the night,
it looks for safe hiding places among the treetops.


Fruits, berries, seeds and insects.


Building a nest, incubating and rearing offspring is done jointly by parents who form a permanent pair. In the first days of life, chicks are fed with “bird’s milk”,
that is, with goiter secretion, similar to the milk of mammals.


Most birds, to quench their thirst, have to raise the head several times to swallow the contents of beak filled with water whereas pigeons can suck water directly into the goiter.

  • Latin name: Goura victoria
  • IUCN – Red List – NT – near threatened
  • CITES – Appendix II

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