
Common Eland

Common Eland


South Africa. The eland inhabits savannahs, semi-deserts, plain mountainous areas and the edges of humid forests.


Active during the day and night. It creates herds of 25 to 60 individuals. He jumps and runs well. During the dry season, it often forages at night, when the moisture content of plants is higher.


Leaves, grasses, seeds, herbs, fruits. He can dig up the roots, tubers and bulbs of plants. Very resistant to the lack of water.


Mating takes place most often during the rainy season. After a 9-month pregnancy, the female gives birth to one young. The nutritional content of the mother’s milk causes an extremely rapid growth of the young. Lifespan: up to 25 years.


It is the biggest and the heaviest living antelope. A mature male can weigh up to 950 kilograms. Its height at the withers is almost 2 meters.

  • Latin name: Taurotragus oryx
  • IUCN Red List – LC – Least Concern

Partner of the Gdańsk Zoo

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