Central and West Africa. They live in tropical rainforests, forest galleries in savanna and in mountain forests.
Chimpanzee lives in groups of 25 to even 80 individuals, consisting of both males and females. They use sounds, facial expressions and gestures to communicate. Spending the nights in trees, their nest are newly built each day.
Chimpanzees are omnivorous. Their diet consists of fruit, leaves, seeds, flowers, bark, honey, mushrooms, eggs, insects and even medium-sized mammals.
They use tools made from plant parts to extract bees, ants and termites from their nests.
Chimpanzees reproduce throughout the year. Gestation period last an average 230 days. Female nurse and care for their young until they become independent, after 4-5 years of age.
Chimpanzee DNA is 98% the same as humans.
Chimpanzees are completely protected by national and international laws in all countries of their range, and it is illegal to kill, capture or trade in live Chimpanzees or their body parts.
- Latin name: Pan troglodytes
- IUCN –Red List – EN – Endangered
- CITES – Appendix I
- EEP – European Endangered Species Programme
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