
Maned Wolf

Maned Wolf


South America; Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru. Open lowlands overgrown with tall grass, areas with thickets and trees.


Mostly active after dusk. During the day, rests in his favorite places. Moves by ambling – simultaneously moves both right legs, then both left. Monogamous species, although the male and the female live independently, except for the reproductive period.


Armadillos, rodents and other small mammals, fish, birds, bird eggs, reptiles, snails, insects, fruit available in season. It is eager to eat the fruit of Solanum lycocarpum, plants having anti-nematode nephritis properties.


Sexual maturity is reached in the first year of life. Gestation: approx. 60 days. The female gives birth to 1 to 5 puppies. The male helps to take care of the offspring by feeding the young from the 4th week of digestion with the digestive contents of the stomach (regurgitation). Life Expectancy: Up to 15 years in the zoo.


Reasons for the threat to the species: habitat loss and change; persecution of people due to livestock losses and cultural beliefs, pathogens transmitted by pets; accidents on highways.

  • Latin name: Chrysocyon brachyurus
  • IUCN –Red List – NT – near threatened/ bliski zagrożenia
  • CITES – Appendix II
  • EEP – European Endangered Species Programme

Partner of the Gdańsk Zoo

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